Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Bella Ruse

      So my co-workers keep asking me if I'm a hipster, with my thick rimmed, plastic glasses and crazy audiophile grade headphones. I usually just shrug it off, but today as I was discussing music with them today I realized that I may qualify as a hipster (Not just because I wear plaid and drink PBR).

       While I was talking to them I brought up a little band out of Minnesota called Bella Ruse. Of course no one had heard of them. With a combination of cute pop and folk this group had me hooked from day one. Catchy lyrics and an almost 20’s like sound I had listened to the album 10 times in a row before I had even realized what hit me. 

      The album Kuhzoo has crazy awesome instruments such as a glockenspiel and (surprise) kazoo. Joseph’s guitar is usually so simple that makes a perfect background for Kay’s beautiful voice. When they do get into more complex background music it goes so well with the singing that I just want to listen more and more.

    "Hipster" or not you need to hear this amazing band, or if you happen to see the “Veggie Van” traveling the Midwest, stop and listen to them!

-WhiteRabbit56 (Alex)

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